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  • Foto del escritorDIEGO ERRUZ GRACIA 2019/2020 2R


Today we went to ASAPME to talk with the team about our first video about the trip we did to “Morlane’s House”. The video was composed by two parts: the volunteer and the user talking to camera and videos. After sharing the videos and talking with the team, we decided to change the dinamics and the way of editing the videos: we will divide the video in questions that appears in screen for 5 seconds, the style of the music and they loved our logo.

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Today's the big day. We're going to present our pitch to the 2nd grade sound students. We have prepared a press kit clarifying the most important points of our product and what makes us stand out from

Soccer video

Today we have sent the third video to Asapme, which took place in the CDM Actur and was about football. The video consisted of two questions to the volunteer (“Why did you became a volunteer?” “What d

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